Termination Appeal Procedure

If a student is terminated due to receiving the maximum amount of coaching sessions, or due to the reasons outlined under termination on the Student Advisory Form, the student may appeal the termination decision. A student has five (5) calendar days from the date of termination to appeal the decision. The student must submit a written appeal to the school’s Future Professional Advisor on the schools Termination Appeal Form describing why they were terminated, along with supporting documentation of the reasons why the determination should be reversed. This information should include what has changed about the student’s situation that will allow them to continue through the program without incident.

An appeal hearing will take place within 15 business days of receipt of the written appeal. This hearing will be attended by the student, parent/guardian (if the student is a dependent minor), the student’s learning leader, the future professional advisor, and the school director. A decision on the student’s appeal will be made within three (3) business days by the director and will be communicated to the student in writing. This decision will be final.

If a student is terminated for gross misconduct, which includes but is not limited to reporting to school under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, cheating, stealing, insubordination, threats, and/or bullying, such termination is final and may not be appealed.